The Barn Owl Centre. A registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare

Homepage Barn Owl Home > About Us

Bird Welfare

Our centre is dedicated to the welfare of barn owls & birds of prey

Experience Nature

Interaction with our birds on specially designed nature experiences

Photography Days

Our birds and centre make the perfect setting for photographers

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Photo & Video Galleries

A number of Image Galleries can be viewed from the left hand side
A number of Image Galleries can be viewed from the left hand side

Welcome to the start of our Image Gallery, please use the side navigation bar to view the different galleries.

We hope you enjoy viewing the images throughout our website.

© All images on the Barn Owl Centre's web site have Copyright.
If you wish to use any images from our web site please call the Centre first on 01452 383999 for permission.

Images by Vincent Jones (Centre Director/Trustee)

For anyone interested Owl Photography CLICK HERE

Our Photography Days operate at regular intervals & by booking only; we support all levels of photography skills from: Amateur/Novice, Semi Pro to Professional. Lense's can range from Macro & from 50mm up to 600mm. Our aim is to support everyone with an interest in photography.

Photography © Copyrighted 2013
to The Barn Owl Centre unless stated otherwise on image.

Usage & Copyright Information

Interested in Photography?

Why not book a photography day at the Centre

Book a Photography Day Photography Gift Voucher

The Barn Owl Centre is a registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare
Charity. No : 1097410
Copyright © 1997-2024 Barn Owl Centre.
Website by •mint