Gloucestershire Wild Barn Owls 2014

Gloucestershire's Wild Barn Owl season starts with great success
Out checking 5 Barn Owl Nest Boxes today (21st May 2014) with Mervin Greening, our BTO Ringer. What a great day we had at just a few nest boxes.
Results from one day
Nest Box 1 - Contained a brood of 4 Barn Owlets & 1 adult femaleNest Box 2 - Contained a brood of 5 Barn Owlets & 1 adult female
Nest Box 3 - Contained a female Mandarin Duck on 4 eggs
Nest Box 4 - Contained a brood of 6 Barn Owlets & one adult female
Nest Box 5 - Contained a brood of 5 Barn Owlets & one adult female.
All adults were ringed, one adult was already ringed & due to age of the young, only 5 Owlets were rung, which means a revisit is required. The Mandarin Duck was also ringed.
Looking at other data coming in from around the UK, it looks like Barn Owl numbers will increase significantly this year!!! Looking forward to visiting more nest boxes & hearing about the results from others who also work to support Barn Owls.
Image seen here was taken as a record of a brood of 6 Barn Owlets from Nest Box 4. Beautiful aren't they & yes they are true wild Barn Owlets & not captive bred Barn Owlets which is very important!
Watch this space as more news will follow as the season unfolds.
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